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Text to speech block

Unreal Text to Speech

What it is

A block that converts text into speech using the Unreal Speech API.

What it does

This block takes a text input and generates an audio file of that text being spoken. It allows users to specify the voice they want to use for the speech conversion.

How it works

The block sends the provided text and voice selection to the Unreal Speech API. The API processes this information and returns a URL where the generated audio file can be accessed.


Input Description
Text The text you want to convert into speech. This could be a sentence, paragraph, or any written content you'd like to hear spoken aloud.
Voice ID The identifier for the voice you want to use for the speech. By default, it uses a voice called "Scarlett," but you can change this to other available voices.
API Key Your personal key to access the Unreal Speech API. This is kept secret and secure.


Output Description
MP3 URL The web address where you can access or download the generated audio file in MP3 format.
Error If something goes wrong during the process, this will contain a message explaining what happened.

Possible use case

This block could be used in an application that helps visually impaired users consume written content. For example, a news app could use this block to convert articles into audio format, allowing users to listen to the news instead of reading it.