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🧩 Components

Components are the building blocks of 🤖 Agents. They are classes inheriting AgentComponent or implementing one or more ⚙️ Protocols that give agent additional abilities or processing.

Components can be used to implement various functionalities like providing messages to the prompt, executing code, or interacting with external services. They can be enabled or disabled, ordered, and can rely on each other.

Components assigned in the agent's __init__ via self are automatically detected upon the agent's instantiation. For example inside __init__: self.my_component = MyComponent(). You can use any valid Python variable name, what matters for the component to be detected is its type (AgentComponent or any protocol inheriting from it).

Visit Built-in Components to see what components are available out of the box.

from forge.agent import BaseAgent
from forge.agent.components import AgentComponent

class HelloComponent(AgentComponent):

class SomeComponent(AgentComponent):
    def __init__(self, hello_component: HelloComponent):
        self.hello_component = hello_component

class MyAgent(BaseAgent):
    def __init__(self):
        # These components will be automatically discovered and used
        self.hello_component = HelloComponent()
        # We pass HelloComponent to SomeComponent
        self.some_component = SomeComponent(self.hello_component)

Component configuration

Each component can have its own configuration defined using a regular pydantic BaseModel. To ensure the configuration is loaded from the file correctly, the component must inherit from ConfigurableComponent[BM] where BM is the configuration model it uses. ConfigurableComponent provides a config attribute that holds the configuration instance. It's possible to either set the config attribute directly or pass the configuration instance to the component's constructor. Extra configuration (i.e. for components that are not part of the agent) can be passed and will be silently ignored. Extra config won't be applied even if the component is added later. To see the configuration of built-in components visit Built-in Components.

from pydantic import BaseModel
from forge.agent.components import ConfigurableComponent

class MyConfig(BaseModel):
    some_value: str

class MyComponent(AgentComponent, ConfigurableComponent[MyConfig]):
    def __init__(self, config: MyConfig):
        # This has the same effect as above:
        # self.config = config

    def get_some_value(self) -> str:
        # Access the configuration like a regular model
        return self.config.some_value

Sensitive information

While it's possible to pass sensitive data directly in code to the configuration it's recommended to use UserConfigurable(from_env="ENV_VAR_NAME", exclude=True) field for sensitive data like API keys. The data will be loaded from the environment variable but keep in mind that value passed in code takes precedence. All fields, even excluded ones (exclude=True) will be loaded when the configuration is loaded from the file. Exclusion allows you to skip them during serialization, non excluded SecretStr will be serialized literally as a "**********" string.

from pydantic import BaseModel, SecretStr
from forge.models.config import UserConfigurable

class SensitiveConfig(BaseModel):
    api_key: SecretStr = UserConfigurable(from_env="API_KEY", exclude=True)

Configuration serialization

BaseAgent provides two methods: 1. dump_component_configs: Serializes all components' configurations as json string. 1. load_component_configs: Deserializes json string to configuration and applies it.

JSON configuration

You can specify a JSON file (e.g. config.json) to use for the configuration when launching an agent. This file contains settings for individual Components that AutoGPT uses. To specify the file use --component-config-file CLI option, for example to use config.json:

./ run --component-config-file config.json


If you're using Docker to run AutoGPT, you need to mount or copy the configuration file to the container. See Docker Guide for more information.

Example JSON configuration

You can copy configuration you want to change, for example to classic/original_autogpt/config.json and modify it to your needs. Most configuration has default values, it's better to set only values you want to modify. You can see the available configuration fields and default values in Build-in Components. You can set sensitive variables in the .json file as well but it's recommended to use environment variables instead.

    "CodeExecutorConfiguration": {
        "execute_local_commands": false,
        "shell_command_control": "allowlist",
        "shell_allowlist": ["cat", "echo"],
        "shell_denylist": [],
        "docker_container_name": "agent_sandbox"
    "FileManagerConfiguration": {
        "storage_path": "agents/AutoGPT/",
        "workspace_path": "agents/AutoGPT/workspace"
    "GitOperationsConfiguration": {
        "github_username": null
    "ActionHistoryConfiguration": {
        "llm_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
        "max_tokens": 1024,
        "spacy_language_model": "en_core_web_sm"
    "ImageGeneratorConfiguration": {
        "image_provider": "dalle",
        "huggingface_image_model": "CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4",
        "sd_webui_url": "http://localhost:7860"
    "WebSearchConfiguration": {
        "duckduckgo_max_attempts": 3
    "WebSeleniumConfiguration": {
        "llm_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
        "web_browser": "chrome",
        "headless": true,
        "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36",
        "browse_spacy_language_model": "en_core_web_sm"

Ordering components

The execution order of components is important because some may depend on the results of the previous ones. By default, components are ordered alphabetically.

Ordering individual components

You can order a single component by passing other components (or their types) to the run_after method. This way you can ensure that the component will be executed after the specified one. The run_after method returns the component itself, so you can call it when assigning the component to a variable:

class MyAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self):
        self.hello_component = HelloComponent()
        self.calculator_component = CalculatorComponent().run_after(self.hello_component)
        # This is equivalent to passing a type:
        # self.calculator_component = CalculatorComponent().run_after(HelloComponent)


Be sure not to make circular dependencies when ordering components!

Ordering all components

You can also order all components by setting self.components list in the agent's __init__ method. This way ensures that there's no circular dependencies and any run_after calls are ignored.


Be sure to include all components - by setting self.components list, you're overriding the default behavior of discovering components automatically. Since it's usually not intended agent will inform you in the terminal if some components were skipped.

class MyAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self):
        self.hello_component = HelloComponent()
        self.calculator_component = CalculatorComponent()
        # Explicitly set components list
        self.components = [self.hello_component, self.calculator_component]

Disabling components

You can control which components are enabled by setting their _enabled attribute. Components are enabled by default. Either provide a bool value or a Callable[[], bool], will be checked each time the component is about to be executed. This way you can dynamically enable or disable components based on some conditions. You can also provide a reason for disabling the component by setting _disabled_reason. The reason will be visible in the debug information.

class DisabledComponent(MessageProvider):
    def __init__(self):
        # Disable this component
        self._enabled = False
        self._disabled_reason = "This component is disabled because of reasons."

        # Or disable based on some condition, either statically...:
        self._enabled = self.some_property is not None
        # ... or dynamically:
        self._enabled = lambda: self.some_property is not None

    # This method will never be called
    def get_messages(self) -> Iterator[ChatMessage]:
        yield ChatMessage.user("This message won't be seen!")

    def some_condition(self) -> bool:
        return False

If you don't want the component at all, you can just remove it from the agent's __init__ method. If you want to remove components you inherit from the parent class you can set the relevant attribute to None:


Be careful when removing components that are required by other components. This may lead to errors and unexpected behavior.

class MyAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self):
        # Disable WatchdogComponent that is in the parent class
        self.watchdog = None


Custom errors are provided which can be used to control the execution flow in case something went wrong. All those errors can be raised in protocol methods and will be caught by the agent.
By default agent will retry three times and then re-raise an exception if it's still not resolved. All passed arguments are automatically handled and the values are reverted when needed. All errors accept an optional str message. There are following errors ordered by increasing broadness:

  1. ComponentEndpointError: A single endpoint method failed to execute. Agent will retry the execution of this endpoint on the component.
  2. EndpointPipelineError: A pipeline failed to execute. Agent will retry the execution of the endpoint for all components.
  3. ComponentSystemError: Multiple pipelines failed.


from forge.agent.components import ComponentEndpointError
from forge.agent.protocols import MessageProvider

# Example of raising an error
class MyComponent(MessageProvider):
    def get_messages(self) -> Iterator[ChatMessage]:
        # This will cause the component to always fail 
        # and retry 3 times before re-raising the exception
        raise ComponentEndpointError("Endpoint error!")