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Google Sheets Read

What it is

A block that reads data from a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

What it does

This block retrieves information from a specified range within a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

How it works

The block connects to Google Sheets using provided credentials, then fetches data from the specified spreadsheet and range.


Input Description
Credentials Authentication information required to access Google Sheets
Spreadsheet ID The unique identifier of the spreadsheet you want to read from
Range The specific area of the spreadsheet you want to read (e.g., "Sheet1!A1:B2")


Output Description
Result The data retrieved from the spreadsheet, organized in rows and columns
Error Any error message that occurred during the process

Possible use case

A marketing team could use this block to automatically retrieve the latest campaign performance data from a shared Google Sheets document for analysis and reporting.

Google Sheets Write

What it is

A block that writes data to a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

What it does

This block allows you to input data into a specified range within a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

How it works

The block authenticates with Google Sheets using provided credentials, then updates the specified spreadsheet range with the given data.


Input Description
Credentials Authentication information required to access Google Sheets
Spreadsheet ID The unique identifier of the spreadsheet you want to write to
Range The specific area of the spreadsheet where you want to write data (e.g., "Sheet1!A1:B2")
Values The data you want to write to the spreadsheet, organized in rows and columns


Output Description
Result Information about the write operation, such as the number of cells, columns, and rows updated
Error Any error message that occurred during the process

Possible use case

An automated inventory system could use this block to update stock levels in a Google Sheets spreadsheet whenever products are sold or restocked, ensuring real-time inventory tracking.