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Pull Requests

GitHub List Pull Requests

What it is

A block that retrieves a list of pull requests from a specified GitHub repository.

What it does

This block fetches all open pull requests for a given GitHub repository and provides their titles and URLs.

How it works

It connects to the GitHub API using the provided credentials and repository URL, then retrieves the list of pull requests and formats the information for easy viewing.


Input Description
Credentials GitHub authentication details to access the repository
Repository URL The URL of the GitHub repository to fetch pull requests from


Output Description
Pull Request A list of pull requests, each containing:
- Title The title of the pull request
- URL The web address of the pull request
Error An error message if the operation fails

Possible use case

A development team leader wants to quickly review all open pull requests in their project repository to prioritize code reviews.

GitHub Make Pull Request

What it is

A block that creates a new pull request in a specified GitHub repository.

What it does

This block allows users to create a new pull request by providing details such as title, body, and branch information.

How it works

It uses the GitHub API to create a new pull request with the given information, including the source and target branches for the changes.


Input Description
Credentials GitHub authentication details to access the repository
Repository URL The URL of the GitHub repository where the pull request will be created
Title The title of the new pull request
Body The description or content of the pull request
Head The name of the branch containing the changes
Base The name of the branch you want to merge the changes into


Output Description
Number The unique identifier of the created pull request
URL The web address of the newly created pull request
Error An error message if the pull request creation fails

Possible use case

A developer has finished working on a new feature in a separate branch and wants to create a pull request to merge their changes into the main branch for review.

GitHub Read Pull Request

What it is

A block that retrieves detailed information about a specific GitHub pull request.

What it does

This block fetches and provides comprehensive information about a given pull request, including its title, body, author, and optionally, the changes made.

How it works

It connects to the GitHub API using the provided credentials and pull request URL, then retrieves and formats the requested information.


Input Description
Credentials GitHub authentication details to access the repository
Pull Request URL The URL of the specific GitHub pull request to read
Include PR Changes An option to include the actual changes made in the pull request


Output Description
Title The title of the pull request
Body The description or content of the pull request
Author The username of the person who created the pull request
Changes A list of changes made in the pull request (if requested)
Error An error message if reading the pull request fails

Possible use case

A code reviewer wants to get a comprehensive overview of a pull request, including its description and changes, before starting the review process.

GitHub Assign PR Reviewer

What it is

A block that assigns a reviewer to a specific GitHub pull request.

What it does

This block allows users to assign a designated reviewer to a given pull request in a GitHub repository.

How it works

It uses the GitHub API to add the specified user as a reviewer for the given pull request.


Input Description
Credentials GitHub authentication details to access the repository
Pull Request URL The URL of the specific GitHub pull request to assign a reviewer to
Reviewer The username of the GitHub user to be assigned as a reviewer


Output Description
Status A message indicating whether the reviewer was successfully assigned
Error An error message if the reviewer assignment fails

Possible use case

A project manager wants to assign a specific team member to review a newly created pull request for a critical feature.

GitHub Unassign PR Reviewer

What it is

A block that removes an assigned reviewer from a specific GitHub pull request.

What it does

This block allows users to unassign a previously designated reviewer from a given pull request in a GitHub repository.

How it works

It uses the GitHub API to remove the specified user from the list of reviewers for the given pull request.


Input Description
Credentials GitHub authentication details to access the repository
Pull Request URL The URL of the specific GitHub pull request to unassign a reviewer from
Reviewer The username of the GitHub user to be unassigned as a reviewer


Output Description
Status A message indicating whether the reviewer was successfully unassigned
Error An error message if the reviewer unassignment fails

Possible use case

A team lead realizes that an assigned reviewer is unavailable and wants to remove them from a pull request to reassign it to another team member.

GitHub List PR Reviewers

What it is

A block that retrieves a list of all assigned reviewers for a specific GitHub pull request.

What it does

This block fetches and provides information about all the reviewers currently assigned to a given pull request in a GitHub repository.

How it works

It connects to the GitHub API using the provided credentials and pull request URL, then retrieves and formats the list of assigned reviewers.


Input Description
Credentials GitHub authentication details to access the repository
Pull Request URL The URL of the specific GitHub pull request to list reviewers for


Output Description
Reviewer A list of assigned reviewers, each containing:
- Username The GitHub username of the reviewer
- URL The profile URL of the reviewer
Error An error message if listing the reviewers fails

Possible use case

A project coordinator wants to check who is currently assigned to review a specific pull request to ensure all necessary team members are involved in the code review process.