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Configuration of sensitive settings such as API credentials is done through environment variables. You can set configuration variables via the .env file. If you don't have a .env file, create a copy of .env.template in your AutoGPT folder and name it .env.

Environment Variables

  • AUTHORISE_COMMAND_KEY: Key response accepted when authorising commands. Default: y
  • ANTHROPIC_API_KEY: Set this if you want to use Anthropic models with AutoGPT
  • AZURE_CONFIG_FILE: Location of the Azure Config file relative to the AutoGPT root directory. Default: azure.yaml
  • COMPONENT_CONFIG_FILE: Path to the component configuration file (json) for an agent. Optional
  • DISABLED_COMMANDS: Commands to disable. Use comma separated names of commands. See the list of commands from built-in components here. Default: None
  • ELEVENLABS_API_KEY: ElevenLabs API Key. Optional.
  • ELEVENLABS_VOICE_ID: ElevenLabs Voice ID. Optional.
  • EMBEDDING_MODEL: LLM Model to use for embedding tasks. Default: text-embedding-3-small
  • EXIT_KEY: Exit key accepted to exit. Default: n
  • FAST_LLM: LLM Model to use for most tasks. Default: gpt-3.5-turbo-0125
  • GITHUB_API_KEY: Github API Key. Optional.
  • GITHUB_USERNAME: GitHub Username. Optional.
  • GOOGLE_API_KEY: Google API key. Optional.
  • GOOGLE_CUSTOM_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID: Google custom search engine ID. Optional.
  • GROQ_API_KEY: Set this if you want to use Groq models with AutoGPT
  • HUGGINGFACE_API_TOKEN: HuggingFace API, to be used for both image generation and audio to text. Optional.
  • HUGGINGFACE_IMAGE_MODEL: HuggingFace model to use for image generation. Default: CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4
  • LLAMAFILE_API_BASE: Llamafile API base URL. Default: http://localhost:8080/v1
  • OPENAI_API_KEY: Set this if you want to use OpenAI models; OpenAI API Key.
  • OPENAI_ORGANIZATION: Organization ID in OpenAI. Optional.
  • PLAIN_OUTPUT: Plain output, which disables the spinner. Default: False
  • RESTRICT_TO_WORKSPACE: The restrict file reading and writing to the workspace directory. Default: True
  • SD_WEBUI_AUTH: Stable Diffusion Web UI username:password pair. Optional.
  • SMART_LLM: LLM Model to use for "smart" tasks. Default: gpt-4-turbo-preview
  • STREAMELEMENTS_VOICE: StreamElements voice to use. Default: Brian
  • TEMPERATURE: Value of temperature given to OpenAI. Value from 0 to 2. Lower is more deterministic, higher is more random. See
  • TEXT_TO_SPEECH_PROVIDER: Text to Speech Provider. Options are gtts, macos, elevenlabs, and streamelements. Default: gtts
  • USE_AZURE: Use Azure's LLM Default: False