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AutoGPT + Docker guide


Docker Compose version 1.29.0 or later is required to use version 3.9 of the Compose file format. You can check the version of Docker Compose installed on your system by running the following command:

docker compose version

This will display the version of Docker Compose that is currently installed on your system.

If you need to upgrade Docker Compose to a newer version, you can follow the installation instructions in the Docker documentation:

Basic Setup

  1. Make sure you have Docker installed, see requirements
  2. Create a project directory for AutoGPT

    mkdir AutoGPT
    cd AutoGPT
  3. In the project directory, create a file called docker-compose.yml:

    docker-compose.yml> for <= v0.4.7

    version: "3.9"
        image: significantgravitas/auto-gpt
          - .env
        profiles: ["exclude-from-up"]
          - ./auto_gpt_workspace:/app/auto_gpt_workspace
          - ./data:/app/data
          ## allow auto-gpt to write logs to disk
          - ./logs:/app/logs
          ## uncomment following lines if you want to make use of these files
          ## you must have them existing in the same folder as this docker-compose.yml
          #- type: bind
          #  source: ./azure.yaml
          #  target: /app/azure.yaml
          #- type: bind
          #  source: ./ai_settings.yaml
          #  target: /app/ai_settings.yaml
          #- type: bind
          #  source: ./prompt_settings.yaml
          #  target: /app/prompt_settings.yaml

    docker-compose.yml> for > v0.4.7 (including master)

    version: "3.9"
        image: significantgravitas/auto-gpt
          - .env
          - "8000:8000"  # remove this if you just want to run a single agent in TTY mode
        profiles: ["exclude-from-up"]
          - ./data:/app/data
          ## allow auto-gpt to write logs to disk
          - ./logs:/app/logs
          ## uncomment following lines if you want to make use of these files
          ## you must have them existing in the same folder as this docker-compose.yml
          #- type: bind
          #  source: ./ai_settings.yaml
          #  target: /app/ai_settings.yaml
          #- type: bind
          #  source: ./prompt_settings.yaml
          #  target: /app/prompt_settings.yaml

  4. Download .env.template and save it as .env in the AutoGPT folder.

  5. Follow the configuration steps.
  6. Pull the latest image from Docker Hub

    docker pull significantgravitas/auto-gpt

Docker only supports headless browsing

AutoGPT uses a browser in headless mode by default: HEADLESS_BROWSER=True. Please do not change this setting in combination with Docker, or AutoGPT will crash.


  1. Open the .env file in a text editor. This file may be hidden by default in some operating systems due to the dot prefix. To reveal hidden files, follow the instructions for your specific operating system: Windows, macOS.
  2. Find the line that says OPENAI_API_KEY=.
  3. After the =, enter your unique OpenAI API Key without any quotes or spaces.
  4. Enter any other API keys or tokens for services you would like to use.


    To activate and adjust a setting, remove the # prefix.

  5. Save and close the .env file.

Templates for the optional extra configuration files (e.g. prompt_settings.yml) can be found in the repository.

Using a GPT Azure-instance

If you want to use GPT on an Azure instance, set USE_AZURE to True and make an Azure configuration file:

  • Rename azure.yaml.template to azure.yaml and provide the relevant azure_api_base, azure_api_version and all the deployment IDs for the relevant models in the azure_model_map section.


# Please specify all of these values as double-quoted strings
# Replace string in angled brackets (<>) to your own deployment Name
    gpt-4-turbo-preview: "<gpt-4-turbo deployment ID>"

Details can be found in the openai-python docs, and in the Azure OpenAI docs for the embedding model. If you're on Windows you may need to install an MSVC library.

Note: Azure support has been dropped in master, so these instructions will only work with v0.4.7 (or earlier).

Developer Setup


Use this setup if you have cloned the repository and have made (or want to make) changes to the codebase.

  1. Copy .env.template to .env.
  2. Follow the standard configuration steps above.

Running AutoGPT with Docker

After following setup instructions above, you can run AutoGPT with the following command:

docker compose run --rm auto-gpt

This creates and starts an AutoGPT container, and removes it after the application stops. This does not mean your data will be lost: data generated by the application is stored in the data folder.

Subcommands and arguments work the same as described in the user guide:

  • Run AutoGPT:
    docker compose run --rm auto-gpt serve
  • Run AutoGPT in TTY mode, with continuous mode.
    docker compose run --rm auto-gpt run --continuous
  • Run AutoGPT in TTY mode and install dependencies for all active plugins:
    docker compose run --rm auto-gpt run --install-plugin-deps

If you dare, you can also build and run it with "vanilla" docker commands:

docker build -t autogpt .
docker run -it --env-file=.env -v $PWD:/app autogpt
docker run -it --env-file=.env -v $PWD:/app --rm autogpt --gpt3only --continuous