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AutoGPT Agent setup

🐋 Set up & Run with Docker  |  👷🏼 For Developers

📋 Requirements

Linux / macOS

Windows (WSL)



We recommend setting up AutoGPT with WSL. Some things don't work exactly the same on Windows and we currently can't provide specialized instructions for all those cases.

🗝️ Getting an OpenAI API key

Get your OpenAI API key from:


To use the OpenAI API with AutoGPT, we strongly recommend setting up billing (AKA paid account). Free accounts are limited to 3 API calls per minute, which can cause the application to crash.

You can set up a paid account at Manage account > Billing > Overview.


It's highly recommended that you keep track of your API costs on the Usage page. You can also set limits on how much you spend on the Usage limits page.

For OpenAI API key to work, set up paid account at OpenAI API > Billing

Setting up AutoGPT

Getting AutoGPT

Since we don't ship AutoGPT as a desktop application, you'll need to download the project from GitHub and give it a place on your computer.

Screenshot of the dialog to clone or download the repo

  • To get the latest bleeding edge version, use master.
  • If you're looking for more stability, check out the latest AutoGPT release.


These instructions don't apply if you're looking to run AutoGPT as a docker image. Instead, check out the Docker setup guide.

Completing the Setup

Once you have cloned or downloaded the project, you can find the AutoGPT Agent in the autogpts/autogpt/ folder. In this folder:

  1. Find the file named .env.template. This file may be hidden by default in some operating systems due to the dot prefix. To reveal hidden files, follow the instructions for your specific operating system: Windows and macOS.
  2. Create a copy of .env.template and call it .env; if you're already in a command prompt/terminal window:
    cp .env.template .env
  3. Open the .env file in a text editor.
  4. Find the line that says OPENAI_API_KEY=.
  5. Insert your OpenAI API Key directly after = without quotes or spaces..


    Using a GPT Azure-instance

    If you want to use GPT on an Azure instance, set USE_AZURE to True and make an Azure configuration file.

    Rename azure.yaml.template to azure.yaml and provide the relevant azure_api_base, azure_api_version and deployment IDs for the models that you want to use.

    E.g. if you want to use gpt-3.5-turbo-16k and gpt-4-0314:

    # Please specify all of these values as double-quoted strings
    # Replace string in angled brackets (<>) to your own deployment Name
        gpt-3.5-turbo-16k: "<auto-gpt-deployment>"

    Details can be found in the [openai-python docs], and in the [Azure OpenAI docs] for the embedding model. If you're on Windows you may need to install an MSVC library.

  6. Enter any other API keys or tokens for services you would like to use.


    To activate and adjust a setting, remove the # prefix.

  7. Save and close the .env file.

  8. Optional: run poetry install to install all required dependencies. The application also checks for and installs any required dependencies when it starts.

You should now be able to explore the CLI (./ --help) and run the application.

See the user guide for further instructions.