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Built-in Components

This page lists all 🧩 Components and ⚙️ Protocols they implement that are natively provided. They are used by the AutoGPT agent. Some components have additional configuration options listed in the table, see Component configuration to learn more.


If a configuration field uses environment variable, it still can be passed using configuration model. ### Value from the configuration takes precedence over env var! Env var will be only applied if value in the configuration is not set.


Essential component to allow an agent to finish.


  • Constraints about API budget


  • Current time and date
  • Remaining API budget and warnings if budget is low


  • finish used when task is completed


Adds ability to interact with user in CLI.


  • ask_user used to ask user for input


Adds ability to read and write persistent files to local storage, Google Cloud Storage or Amazon's S3. Necessary for saving and loading agent's state (preserving session).


Config variable Details Type Default
storage_path Path to agent files, e.g. state str agents/{agent_id}/[^1]
workspace_path Path to files that agent has access to str agents/{agent_id}/workspace/[^1]

[^1] This option is set dynamically during component construction as opposed to by default inside the configuration model, {agent_id} is replaced with the agent's unique identifier.


  • Resource information that it's possible to read and write files


  • read_file used to read file
  • write_file used to write file
  • list_folder lists all files in a folder


Lets the agent execute non-interactive Shell commands and Python code. Python execution works only if Docker is available.


Config variable Details Type Default
execute_local_commands Enable shell command execution bool False
shell_command_control Controls which list is used "allowlist" \| "denylist" "allowlist"
shell_allowlist List of allowed shell commands List[str] []
shell_denylist List of prohibited shell commands List[str] []
docker_container_name Name of the Docker container used for code execution str "agent_sandbox"

All shell command configurations are expected to be for convience only. This component is not secure and should not be used in production environments. It is recommended to use more appropriate sandboxing.


  • execute_shell execute shell command
  • execute_shell_popen execute shell command with popen
  • execute_python_code execute Python code
  • execute_python_file execute Python file


Keeps track of agent's actions and their outcomes. Provides their summary to the prompt.


Config variable Details Type Default
llm_name Name of the llm model used to compress the history ModelName "gpt-3.5-turbo"
max_tokens Maximum number of tokens to use for the history summary int 1024
spacy_language_model Language model used for summary chunking using spacy str "en_core_web_sm"
full_message_count Number of cycles to include unsummarized in the prompt int 4


  • Agent's progress summary


  • Register agent's action


  • Rewinds the agent's action, so it isn't saved


  • Saves the agent's action result in the history


Adds ability to iteract with git repositories and GitHub.


Config variable Details Type Default
github_username GitHub username, ENV: GITHUB_USERNAME str None
github_api_key GitHub API key, ENV: GITHUB_API_KEY str None


  • clone_repository used to clone a git repository


Adds ability to generate images using various providers.

Hugging Face

To use text-to-image models from Hugging Face, you need a Hugging Face API token. Link to the appropriate settings page: Hugging Face > Settings > Tokens

Stable Diffusion WebUI

It is possible to use your own self-hosted Stable Diffusion WebUI with AutoGPT. ### Make sure you are running WebUI with --api enabled.


Config variable Details Type Default
image_provider Image generation provider "dalle" \| "huggingface" \| "sdwebui" "dalle"
huggingface_image_model Hugging Face image model, see available models str "CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4"
huggingface_api_token Hugging Face API token, ENV: HUGGINGFACE_API_TOKEN str None
sd_webui_url URL to self-hosted Stable Diffusion WebUI str "http://localhost:7860"
sd_webui_auth Basic auth for Stable Diffusion WebUI, ENV: SD_WEBUI_AUTH str of format {username}:{password} None


  • generate_image used to generate an image given a prompt


Allows agent to search the web. Google credentials aren't required for DuckDuckGo. Instructions how to set up Google API key


Config variable Details Type Default
google_api_key Google API key, ENV: GOOGLE_API_KEY str None
google_custom_search_engine_id Google Custom Search Engine ID, ENV: GOOGLE_CUSTOM_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID str None
duckduckgo_max_attempts Maximum number of attempts to search using DuckDuckGo int 3
duckduckgo_backend Backend to be used for DDG sdk "api" \| "html" \| "lite" "api"


  • Resource information that it's possible to search the web


  • search_web used to search the web using DuckDuckGo
  • google used to search the web using Google, requires API key


Allows agent to read websites using Selenium.


Config variable Details Type Default
llm_name Name of the llm model used to read websites ModelName "gpt-3.5-turbo"
web_browser Web browser used by Selenium "chrome" \| "firefox" \| "safari" \| "edge" "chrome"
headless Run browser in headless mode bool True
user_agent User agent used by the browser str "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36"
browse_spacy_language_model Spacy language model used for chunking text str "en_core_web_sm"
selenium_proxy Http proxy to use with Selenium str None


  • Resource information that it's possible to read websites


  • read_website used to read a specific url and look for specific topics or answer a question


Adds ability to keep up-to-date file and folder content in the prompt.


  • Content of elements in the context


  • open_file used to open a file into context
  • open_folder used to open a folder into context
  • close_context_item remove an item from the context


Watches if agent is looping and switches to smart mode if necessary.


  • Investigates what happened and switches to smart mode if necessary