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Setting up the server


This guide will help you setup the server and builder for the project.

We also offer this in video format. You can check it out here.




To setup the server, you need to have the following installed:

Checking if you have Node.js and Python installed

You can check if you have Node.js installed by running the following command:

node -v

You can check if you have Python installed by running the following command:

python --version

Once you have node and python installed, you can proceed to the next step.

Installing the package managers

In order to install the dependencies, you need to have the appropriate package managers installed.

  • Installing Yarn

Yarn is a package manager for Node.js. You can install it by running the following command:

npm install -g yarn
  • Installing Poetry

Poetry is a package manager for Python. You can install it by running the following command:

pip install poetry
- Installing Docker and Docker Compose

Docker containerizes applications, while Docker Compose orchestrates multi-container Docker applications.

You can follow the steps here:

If you need assistance installing docker: If you need assistance installing docker compose:

Installing the dependencies

Once you have installed Yarn and Poetry, you can run the following command to install the dependencies:

cd rnd/autogpt_server
cp .env.example .env
poetry install

In another terminal, run the following command to install the dependencies for the frontend:

cd rnd/autogpt_builder
yarn install

Once you have installed the dependencies, you can proceed to the next step.

Setting up the database

In order to setup the database, you need to run the following commands, in the same terminal you ran the poetry install command:

docker compose up postgres redis -d
poetry run prisma migrate dev
After deploying the migration, to ensure that the database schema is correctly mapped to your codebase, allowing the application to interact with the database properly, you need to generate the Prisma database model:

poetry run prisma generate

Without running this command, the necessary Python modules (prisma.models) won't be available, leading to a ModuleNotFoundError.

Running the server without Docker

To run the server, you can run the following commands in the same terminal you ran the poetry install command:

poetry run app

Running the server within Docker

To run the server, you can run the following commands in the same terminal you ran the poetry install command:

docker compose build
docker compose up

In the other terminal from autogpt_builder, you can run the following command to start the frontend:

yarn dev

Checking if the server is running

You can check if the server is running by visiting http://localhost:3000 in your browser.


By default the daemons for different services run on the following ports:

Execution Manager Daemon: 8002 Execution Scheduler Daemon: 8003 Rest Server Daemon: 8004