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Twitter API Integration Blocks

Twitter Post Tweet Block

What it is

A block that creates tweets on Twitter with various optional attachments and settings.

What it does

This block allows posting tweets with text content and optional attachments like media, polls, quotes, or deep links.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to create a tweet with the specified content and settings, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
tweet_text Main text content of the tweet
attachment Optional media, deep link, poll, place or quote attachment
for_super_followers_only Whether the tweet is exclusively for super followers
exclude_reply_user_ids User IDs to exclude from reply thread
in_reply_to_tweet_id ID of tweet being replied to
reply_settings Who can reply to the tweet


Output Description
tweet_id ID of the created tweet
tweet_url URL to view the tweet
error Error message if posting failed

Possible use case

Automating tweet publishing with rich content like polls, media or quotes.

Twitter Delete Tweet Block

What it is

A block that deletes a specified tweet on Twitter.

What it does

This block removes an existing tweet using its tweet ID.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to delete the tweet with the given ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
tweet_id ID of the tweet to delete


Output Description
success Whether deletion was successful
error Error message if deletion failed

Possible use case

Automated cleanup of old or irrelevant tweets.

Twitter Search Recent Tweets Block

What it is

A block that searches recent public tweets on Twitter.

What it does

This block searches for tweets matching specified criteria with options for filtering and pagination.

How it works

It queries the Twitter API (Tweepy) search endpoint with the provided parameters and returns matching tweets and metadata.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
query Search query string
max_results Maximum number of results per page
pagination Token for getting next page of results
expansions Additional data fields to include
start_time Start of search time window
end_time End of search time window
since_id Return results after this tweet ID
until_id Return results before this tweet ID
sort_order Order of returned results


Output Description
tweet_ids List of matching tweet IDs
tweet_texts List of tweet text contents
next_token Token for retrieving next page
data Complete tweet data
included Additional requested data
meta Pagination and result metadata
error Error message if search failed

Possible use case

Monitoring Twitter for mentions of specific topics or hashtags.

Twitter Get Quote Tweets Block

What it is

A block that retrieves quote tweets (tweets that quote a specific tweet) from Twitter.

What it does

This block gets a list of tweets that quote the specified tweet ID, with options for pagination and filtering.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch quote tweets for a given tweet ID, handling authentication and returning tweet data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
tweet_id ID of the tweet to get quotes for
max_results Maximum number of results to return (max 100)
exclude Types of tweets to exclude
pagination_token Token for getting next page of results
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
media_fields Media-related fields to include more info.
place_fields Location-related fields to include more info.
poll_fields Poll-related fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
ids List of quote tweet IDs
texts List of quote tweet text contents
next_token Token for retrieving next page more info.
data Complete tweet data
included Additional requested data more info.
meta Pagination and result metadata more info.
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Monitoring engagement and responses to specific tweets through quote tweets.

Twitter Retweet Block

What it is

A block that retweets an existing tweet on Twitter.

What it does

This block creates a retweet of the specified tweet using its tweet ID.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to retweet the tweet with the given ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
tweet_id ID of the tweet to retweet


Output Description
success Whether retweet was successful
error Error message if retweet failed

Possible use case

Automated retweeting of content matching specific criteria.

Twitter Remove Retweet Block

What it is

A block that removes a retweet on Twitter.

What it does

This block removes an existing retweet of the specified tweet.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to remove the retweet with the given tweet ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
tweet_id ID of the tweet to remove retweet from


Output Description
success Whether retweet removal was successful
error Error message if removal failed

Possible use case

Automated cleanup of retweets based on certain conditions.

Twitter Get Retweeters Block

What it is

A block that retrieves information about users who have retweeted a specific tweet.

What it does

This block gets a list of users who have retweeted the specified tweet ID, with options for pagination and filtering.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch retweeter information for a given tweet ID, handling authentication and returning user data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
tweet_id ID of the tweet to get retweeters for
max_results Maximum number of results per page (1-100)
pagination_token Token for getting next page of results
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
media_fields Media-related fields to include more info.
place_fields Location-related fields to include more info.
poll_fields Poll-related fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
ids List of user IDs who retweeted
names List of user names who retweeted
usernames List of usernames who retweeted
next_token Token for retrieving next page
data Complete user data
included Additional requested data more info.
meta Pagination and result metadata more info.
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Monitoring engagement and analyzing user behavior through retweet patterns.

Twitter Get User Mentions Block

What it is

A block that retrieves tweets mentioning a specific Twitter user.

What it does

This block gets tweets where a user is mentioned, using their user ID.

How it works

It queries the Twitter API (Tweepy) with the provided user ID to fetch tweets mentioning that user, handling pagination and filters.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
user_id ID of user to get mentions for
max_results Number of results per page (5-100)
pagination_token Token for getting next page of results
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
media_fields Media-related fields to include more info.
place_fields Location-related fields to include more info.
poll_fields Poll-related fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
ids List of Tweet IDs
texts List of tweet text contents
userIds List of user IDs who mentioned target user
userNames List of usernames who mentioned target user
next_token Token for retrieving next page
data Complete tweet data
included Additional requested data more info.
meta Pagination and result metadata more info.
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Monitoring mentions of specific accounts for community management.

Twitter Get Home Timeline Block

What it is

A block that retrieves tweets from a user's home timeline.

What it does

This block returns a collection of recent tweets and retweets posted by the authenticated user and accounts they follow.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch tweets from the home timeline, handling pagination and applying filters.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
max_results Number of results per page (5-100)
pagination_token Token for getting next page of results
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
media_fields Media-related fields to include more info.
place_fields Location-related fields to include more info.
poll_fields Poll-related fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
ids List of Tweet IDs
texts List of tweet text contents
userIds List of user IDs who authored tweets
userNames List of usernames who authored tweets
next_token Token for retrieving next page
data Complete tweet data
included Additional requested data more info.
meta Pagination and result metadata more info.
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Monitoring and analyzing content from followed accounts.

Twitter Get User Tweets Block

What it is

A block that retrieves tweets posted by a specific Twitter user.

What it does

This block returns tweets authored by a single user, identified by their user ID.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch tweets from a specified user's timeline, handling pagination and filters.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
user_id ID of user to get tweets from
max_results Number of results per page (5-100)
pagination_token Token for getting next page of results
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
media_fields Media-related fields to include more info.
place_fields Location-related fields to include more info.
poll_fields Poll-related fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
ids List of Tweet IDs
texts List of tweet text contents
userIds List of user IDs who authored tweets
userNames List of usernames who authored tweets
next_token Token for retrieving next page
data Complete tweet data
included Additional requested data more info.
meta Pagination and result metadata more info.
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Analyzing content and activity patterns of specific Twitter accounts.

Twitter Get Tweet Block

What it is

A block that retrieves detailed information about a specific tweet by its ID.

What it does

This block fetches information about a single tweet specified by the tweet ID, including tweet content, author details, and optional expanded data.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch a single tweet by its ID, handling authentication and returning tweet data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
tweet_id ID of the tweet to fetch
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
media_fields Media-related fields to include more info.
place_fields Location-related fields to include more info.
poll_fields Poll-related fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
id Tweet ID
text Tweet text content
userId ID of tweet author
userName Username of tweet author
data Complete tweet data
included Additional requested data more info.
meta Tweet metadata more info.
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Retrieving detailed information about specific tweets for analysis or monitoring.

Twitter Get Tweets Block

What it is

A block that retrieves information about multiple tweets by their IDs.

What it does

This block fetches information about multiple tweets (up to 100) specified by their tweet IDs.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to batch fetch tweets by their IDs, handling authentication and returning tweet data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
tweet_ids List of tweet IDs to fetch (max 100)
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
media_fields Media-related fields to include more info.
place_fields Location-related fields to include more info.
poll_fields Poll-related fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
ids List of tweet IDs
texts List of tweet text contents
userIds List of tweet author IDs
userNames List of tweet author usernames
data Complete tweet data array
included Additional requested data more info.
meta Tweet metadata more info.
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Batch retrieval of tweet information for analysis or archival purposes.

Twitter Like Tweet Block

What it is

A block that likes a tweet on Twitter.

What it does

This block creates a like on a specified tweet using its tweet ID.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to like the tweet with the given ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
tweet_id ID of the tweet to like


Output Description
success Whether like was successful
error Error message if like failed

Possible use case

Automated liking of tweets matching specific criteria.

Twitter Get Liking Users Block

What it is

A block that retrieves information about users who liked a specific tweet.

What it does

This block gets a list of users who have liked the specified tweet ID, with options for pagination and filtering.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch information about users who liked a given tweet ID, handling authentication and returning user data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
tweet_id ID of tweet to get liking users for
max_results Maximum number of results to return (1-100)
pagination_token Token for getting next page of results
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
id List of user IDs who liked
username List of usernames who liked
next_token Token for retrieving next page
data Complete user data
included Additional requested data more info.
meta Pagination and result metadata more info.
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Analyzing engagement patterns through tracking tweet likes.

Twitter Get Liked Tweets Block

What it is

A block that retrieves tweets liked by a specific Twitter user.

What it does

This block gets a list of tweets that have been liked by the specified user ID.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch tweets liked by a given user ID, handling pagination and filters.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
user_id ID of user to get liked tweets for
max_results Maximum number of results per page (5-100)
pagination_token Token for getting next page of results
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
media_fields Media-related fields to include more info.
place_fields Location-related fields to include more info.
poll_fields Poll-related fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
ids List of liked tweet IDs
texts List of liked tweet text contents
userIds List of tweet author IDs
userNames List of tweet author usernames
next_token Token for retrieving next page
data Complete tweet data
included Additional requested data more info.
meta Pagination and result metadata more info.
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Analyzing user interests and preferences through liked tweet patterns.

Twitter Unlike Tweet Block

What it is

A block that unlikes a previously liked tweet on Twitter.

What it does

This block removes a like from the specified tweet using its tweet ID.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to unlike the tweet with the given ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
tweet_id ID of the tweet to unlike


Output Description
success Whether unlike was successful
error Error message if unlike failed

Possible use case

Automated cleanup of likes based on certain conditions.

Twitter Hide Reply Block

What it is

A block that hides a reply to one of your tweets.

What it does

This block hides a specified reply tweet from being visible in the main conversation thread.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to hide a reply tweet with the given tweet ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
tweet_id ID of the tweet reply to hide


Output Description
success Whether hiding was successful
error Error message if hiding failed

Possible use case

Moderating conversations by hiding inappropriate or unwanted replies.

Twitter Unhide Reply Block

What it is

A block that unhides a previously hidden reply to a tweet.

What it does

This block makes a hidden reply tweet visible again in the conversation thread.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to unhide a reply tweet with the given tweet ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
tweet_id ID of the tweet reply to unhide


Output Description
success Whether unhiding was successful
error Error message if unhiding failed

Possible use case

Restoring previously hidden replies when moderation is no longer needed.

Twitter Bookmark Tweet Block

What it is

A block that bookmarks a specified tweet on Twitter.

What it does

This block creates a bookmark for a tweet using its tweet ID.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to bookmark the tweet with the given ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
tweet_id ID of the tweet to bookmark


Output Description
success Whether bookmark was successful
error Error message if bookmark failed

Possible use case

Saving tweets for later reference and organization.

Twitter Get Bookmarked Tweets Block

What it is

A block that retrieves a user's bookmarked tweets from Twitter.

What it does

This block gets a list of tweets that have been bookmarked by the authenticated user.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch bookmarked tweets, handling pagination and optional data expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
max_results Maximum number of results per page (1-100)
pagination_token Token for getting next page of results
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
media_fields Media-related fields to include more info.
place_fields Location-related fields to include more info.
poll_fields Poll-related fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
id List of bookmarked tweet IDs
text List of bookmarked tweet text contents
userId List of tweet author IDs
userName List of tweet author usernames
next_token Token for retrieving next page
data Complete tweet data
included Additional requested data more info.
meta Pagination and result metadata more info.
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Retrieving and analyzing saved tweets for content curation or research.

Twitter Remove Bookmark Tweet Block

What it is

A block that removes a bookmark from a tweet on Twitter.

What it does

This block removes an existing bookmark from a specified tweet using its tweet ID.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to remove the bookmark with the given tweet ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
tweet_id ID of the tweet to remove bookmark from


Output Description
success Whether bookmark removal was successful
error Error message if removal failed

Possible use case

Managing bookmarks by removing outdated or no longer relevant saved tweets.

Twitter Unblock User Block

What it is

A block that unblocks a user that has been previously blocked on Twitter.

What it does

This block removes a block from a specified user using their user ID.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to unblock a user with the given user ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
target_user_id ID of the user to unblock


Output Description
success Whether unblock was successful
error Error message if unblock failed

Possible use case

Reverting previously blocked users when access should be restored.

Twitter Get Blocked Users Block

What it is

A block that retrieves a list of users that have been blocked by the authenticated user.

What it does

This block gets information about users who have been blocked, with options for pagination and filtering.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch a list of blocked users, handling authentication and returning user data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
max_results Maximum number of results to return (1-1000)
pagination_token Token for getting next page of results
expansions Additional data fields to include
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include
user_fields User-related fields to include


Output Description
user_ids List of blocked user IDs
usernames_ List of blocked usernames
included Additional requested data
meta Pagination and result metadata
next_token Token for retrieving next page
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Monitoring and managing blocked users for account safety and moderation.

Twitter Block User Block

What it is

A block that blocks a user on Twitter.

What it does

This block blocks a specified user using their user ID.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to block a user with the given user ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
target_user_id ID of the user to block


Output Description
success Whether block was successful
error Error message if block failed

Possible use case

Automating user blocking based on specific criteria or behaviors.

Twitter Unfollow User Block

What it is

A block that unfollows a Twitter user.

What it does

This block unfollows a specified user using their user ID.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to unfollow a user with the given user ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
target_user_id ID of the user to unfollow


Output Description
success Whether unfollow was successful
error Error message if unfollow failed

Possible use case

Automating unfollowing users based on specific criteria.

Twitter Follow User Block

What it is

A block that follows a Twitter user.

What it does

This block follows a specified user using their user ID.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to follow a user with the given user ID, handling authentication and error cases. If the target user has protected tweets, this will send a follow request.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
target_user_id ID of the user to follow


Output Description
success Whether follow was successful
error Error message if follow failed

Possible use case

Automating following of users matching specific criteria.

Twitter Get Followers Block

What it is

A block that retrieves a list of followers for a specified Twitter user.

What it does

This block gets a list of users who follow the specified user ID, with options for pagination and filtering.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch followers for a given user ID, handling authentication and returning user data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
target_user_id ID of user to get followers for
max_results Maximum number of results per page (1-1000)
pagination_token Token for getting next page of results
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
ids List of follower user IDs
usernames List of follower usernames
next_token Token for retrieving next page
data Complete user data
includes Additional requested data more info.
meta Pagination and result metadata more info.
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Analyzing follower patterns and demographics.

Twitter Get Following Block

What it is

A block that retrieves a list of users that a specified Twitter user follows.

What it does

This block gets a list of users being followed by the specified user ID, with options for pagination and filtering.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch following list for a given user ID, handling authentication and returning user data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
target_user_id ID of user to get following list for
max_results Maximum number of results per page (1-1000)
pagination_token Token for getting next page of results
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
ids List of following user IDs
usernames List of following usernames
next_token Token for retrieving next page
data Complete user data
includes Additional requested data more info.
meta Pagination and result metadata more info.
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Analyzing following patterns and network connections.

Twitter Unmute User Block

What it is

A block that unmutes a previously muted user on Twitter.

What it does

This block unmutes a specified user using their user ID. The request succeeds with no action if the target user is not currently muted.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to unmute a user with the given user ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
target_user_id ID of the user to unmute


Output Description
success Whether unmute was successful
error Error message if unmute failed

Possible use case

Reverting muted users when communication should be restored.

Twitter Get Muted Users Block

What it is

A block that retrieves a list of users muted by the authenticated user.

What it does

This block gets a list of muted users with options for pagination and filtering.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch muted users, handling authentication and returning user data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
max_results Maximum results per page (1-1000, default 10)
pagination_token Token for getting next/previous page
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
ids List of muted user IDs
usernames List of muted usernames
next_token Token for retrieving next page
data Complete user data for muted users
includes Additional requested data
meta Metadata including pagination info
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Monitoring and managing muted users list for content filtering.

Twitter Mute User Block

What it is

A block that mutes a specified user on Twitter.

What it does

This block mutes a user using their user ID to stop seeing their tweets.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to mute a user with the given user ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
target_user_id ID of the user to mute


Output Description
success Whether mute was successful
error Error message if mute failed

Possible use case

Automating user muting based on specific criteria or behaviors.

Twitter Get User Block

What it is

A block that retrieves information about a single Twitter user by either their user ID or username.

What it does

This block fetches detailed user information, including basic profile data and optional expanded information, for a specified Twitter user.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch user data for a single user identified by either ID or username, handling authentication and returning user data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
identifier User identifier (either user ID or username)
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
id User ID
username_ Twitter username
name_ Display name
data Complete user data
included Additional requested data
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Retrieving detailed user profile information for analysis or verification.

Twitter Get Users Block

What it is

A block that retrieves information about multiple Twitter users by their IDs or usernames.

What it does

This block fetches detailed user information for up to 100 users at once, including basic profile data and optional expanded information.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to batch fetch user data for multiple users identified by either IDs or usernames, handling authentication and returning user data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
identifier List of user identifiers (either user IDs or usernames, max 100)
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
ids List of user IDs
usernames_ List of Twitter usernames
names_ List of display names
data Complete user data array
included Additional requested data
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Batch retrieval of user profile information for analysis or monitoring.

Twitter Search Spaces Block

What it is

A block that searches for live or scheduled Twitter Spaces by specified search terms.

What it does

This block searches for Twitter Spaces based on title keywords, with options to filter by state (live/scheduled) and pagination.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to search for Spaces matching the query parameters, handling authentication and returning Space data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
query Search term to find in Space titles
max_results Maximum number of results to return (1-100, default 10)
state Type of Spaces to return (live, scheduled, or all)
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
space_fields Space-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
ids List of space IDs
titles List of space titles
host_ids List of host IDs
next_token Token for retrieving next page
data Complete space data
includes Additional requested data
meta Metadata including pagination info
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Finding relevant Twitter Spaces for content discovery and engagement.

Twitter Get Spaces Block

What it is

A block that retrieves information about multiple Twitter Spaces specified by Space IDs or creator user IDs.

What it does

This block fetches detailed information for up to 100 Spaces using either their Space IDs or creator user IDs.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to batch fetch Space data for multiple Spaces, handling authentication and returning Space data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
identifier Choice of lookup by Space IDs or creator user IDs
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
space_fields Space-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
ids List of Space IDs
titles List of Space titles
data Complete Space data array
includes Additional requested data
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Batch retrieval of Space information for analytics or monitoring.

Twitter Get Space By ID Block

What it is

A block that retrieves information about a single Twitter Space specified by Space ID.

What it does

This block fetches detailed information about a single Space, including host information and other metadata.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch Space data for a single Space ID, handling authentication and returning Space data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
space_id ID of Space to retrieve
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
space_fields Space-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
id Space ID
title Space title
host_ids List of host IDs
data Complete Space data
includes Additional requested data
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Retrieving detailed information about a specific Space for analysis or display.

Twitter Get Space Buyers Block

What it is

A block that retrieves a list of users who purchased tickets to a Twitter Space.

What it does

This block gets information about users who bought tickets to attend a specific Space.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch buyer information for a Space, handling authentication and returning user data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
space_id ID of Space to get buyers for
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
buyer_ids List of buyer user IDs
usernames List of buyer usernames
data Complete buyer user data
includes Additional requested data
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Analyzing ticket sales and attendee information for monetized Spaces.

Twitter Get Space Tweets Block

What it is

A block that retrieves tweets shared in a specific Twitter Space.

What it does

This block gets tweets that were shared during a Space session.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch tweets from a Space, handling authentication and returning tweet data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
space_id ID of Space to get tweets for
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
media_fields Media-related fields to include more info.
place_fields Location-related fields to include more info.
poll_fields Poll-related fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
tweet_ids List of tweet IDs
texts List of tweet texts
data Complete tweet data
includes Additional requested data
meta Response metadata
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Capturing and analyzing content shared during Space sessions.

Twitter Get List Block

What it is

A block that retrieves detailed information about a specific Twitter List.

What it does

This block fetches information about a Twitter List specified by its ID, including basic list data and optional expanded information.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch list data for a single list ID, handling authentication and returning list data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
list_id ID of the Twitter List to retrieve
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
list_fields List-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
id List ID
name List name
owner_id ID of List owner
owner_username Username of List owner
data Complete list data
included Additional requested data
meta Response metadata
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Retrieving detailed information about specific Twitter Lists for analysis or display.

Twitter Get Owned Lists Block

What it is

A block that retrieves all Twitter Lists owned by a specified user.

What it does

This block fetches a list of Twitter Lists owned by a user ID, with options for pagination and filtering.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch owned lists for a given user ID, handling authentication and returning list data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
user_id ID of user whose Lists to retrieve
max_results Maximum results per page (1-100, default 10)
pagination_token Token for getting next page
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
list_fields List-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
list_ids List of owned List IDs
list_names List of owned List names
next_token Token for retrieving next page
data Complete List data array
included Additional requested data
meta Metadata including pagination info
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Analyzing owned Lists for content curation and audience management.

Twitter Remove List Member Block

What it is

A block that removes a member from a specified Twitter List owned by the authenticated user.

What it does

This block removes a specified user from a Twitter List they are currently a member of.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to remove a user from a specified List, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
list_id ID of the List to remove member from
user_id ID of the user to remove from List


Output Description
success Whether removal was successful
error Error message if removal failed

Possible use case

Managing List membership by removing users who no longer meet List criteria.

Twitter Add List Member Block

What it is

A block that adds a member to a specified Twitter List owned by the authenticated user.

What it does

This block adds a specified user as a new member to a Twitter List.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to add a user to a specified List, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
list_id ID of the List to add member to
user_id ID of the user to add to List


Output Description
success Whether addition was successful
error Error message if addition failed

Possible use case

Growing List membership by adding users who match List criteria.

Twitter Get List Members Block

What it is

A block that retrieves all members of a specified Twitter List.

What it does

This block gets information about users who are members of a given List, with options for pagination and filtering.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch member data for a specified List, handling authentication and returning user data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
list_id ID of the List to get members from
max_results Maximum results per page (1-100, default 10)
pagination_token Token for getting next page of results
expansions Additional data fields to include
tweet_fields Tweet-related fields to include
user_fields User-related fields to include


Output Description
ids List of member user IDs
usernames List of member usernames
next_token Token for retrieving next page
data Complete user data for members
included Additional requested data
meta Pagination and result metadata
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Analyzing List membership and member profiles.

Twitter Get List Memberships Block

What it is

A block that retrieves all Lists that a specified user is a member of.

What it does

This block gets information about Lists where the specified user is a member, with options for pagination and filtering.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch List membership data for a given user ID, handling authentication and returning List data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
user_id ID of user to get List memberships for
max_results Maximum results per page (1-100, default 10)
pagination_token Token for getting next page of results
expansions Additional data fields to include
list_fields List-specific fields to include
user_fields User-related fields to include


Output Description
list_ids List of List IDs
next_token Token for retrieving next page
data Complete List membership data
included Additional requested data
meta Metadata about pagination
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Analyzing a user's List memberships to understand their interests and connections.

Twitter Get List Tweets Block

What it is

A block that retrieves tweets from a specified Twitter List.

What it does

This block fetches tweets that have been posted within a given List, with options for pagination, filtering, and expanded data.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch tweets from a specified List, handling authentication and returning tweet data with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
list_id ID of the List to get tweets from
max_results Maximum number of results per page (1-100, default 10)
pagination_token Token for getting next page of results
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
media_fields Media-related fields to include more info.
place_fields Location-related fields to include more info.
poll_fields Poll-related fields to include more info.
tweet_fields Tweet-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
tweet_ids List of tweet IDs from the List
texts List of tweet text contents
next_token Token for retrieving next page
data Complete tweet data array
included Additional requested data more info.
meta Pagination and result metadata more info.
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Monitoring and analyzing tweets shared within curated Twitter Lists.

Twitter Delete List Block

What it is

A block that deletes a Twitter List owned by the authenticated user.

What it does

This block deletes a specified Twitter List using the List ID.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to delete a specified List, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
list_id ID of the List to delete


Output Description
success Whether deletion was successful
error Error message if deletion failed

Possible use case

Removing outdated or unnecessary Twitter Lists.

Twitter Update List Block

What it is

A block that updates a Twitter List owned by the authenticated user.

What it does

This block modifies an existing List's name and/or description.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to update List metadata, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
list_id ID of List to update
name New name for the List (optional)
description New description for the List (optional)


Output Description
success Whether update was successful
error Error message if update failed

Possible use case

Maintaining List metadata to reflect current purpose or organization.

Twitter Create List Block

What it is

A block that creates a new Twitter List for the authenticated user.

What it does

This block creates a new Twitter List with specified name, description and privacy settings.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to create a new List, handling authentication and returning List details.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
name Name for the new List
description Description of the List (optional)
private Whether List should be private


Output Description
url URL of the created List
list_id ID of the created List
error Error message if creation failed

Possible use case

Creating Lists to organize Twitter users around specific topics or interests.

Twitter Unpin List Block

What it is

A block that allows users to unpin a specified Twitter List.

What it does

This block removes a Twitter List from the user's pinned Lists.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to unpin a List using its List ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
list_id ID of the List to unpin


Output Description
success Whether unpin was successful
error Error message if unpin failed

Possible use case

Managing pinned Lists by removing Lists that are no longer priority.

Twitter Pin List Block

What it is

A block that allows users to pin a specified Twitter List.

What it does

This block pins a Twitter List to appear at the top of the user's Lists.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to pin a List using its List ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
list_id ID of the List to pin


Output Description
success Whether pin was successful
error Error message if pin failed

Possible use case

Prioritizing important Lists for quick access.

Twitter Get Pinned Lists Block

What it is

A block that retrieves all Twitter Lists that are pinned by the authenticated user.

What it does

This block fetches a collection of Lists that have been pinned by the user, with options for additional data and filtering.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to fetch pinned Lists data, handling authentication and returning List information with optional expansions.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
expansions Additional data fields to include more info.
list_fields List-specific fields to include more info.
user_fields User-related fields to include more info.


Output Description
list_ids List of pinned List IDs
list_names List of pinned List names
data Complete List data
included Additional requested data
meta Response metadata
error Error message if request failed

Possible use case

Monitoring and managing pinned Lists for organization and quick access.

Twitter Unfollow List Block

What it is

A block that unfollows a Twitter List that the authenticated user is currently following.

What it does

This block unfollows a specified Twitter List using the List ID, removing it from the user's followed Lists.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to unfollow a List with the given List ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
list_id ID of the List to unfollow


Output Description
success Whether unfollow was successful
error Error message if unfollow failed

Possible use case

Managing followed Lists by removing Lists that are no longer relevant.

Twitter Follow List Block

What it is

A block that follows a Twitter List for the authenticated user.

What it does

This block follows a specified Twitter List using the List ID, adding it to the user's followed Lists.

How it works

It uses the Twitter API (Tweepy) to follow a List with the given List ID, handling authentication and error cases.


Input Description
credentials Twitter API credentials with required scopes
list_id ID of the List to follow


Output Description
success Whether follow was successful
error Error message if follow failed

Possible use case

Following Lists that match user interests or contain relevant content.

Common Input

The Twitter API lets you choose what information you want to get back when you make a request. Here are the different types of information you can ask for:


Extra information about tweets, pictures, and users that are mentioned or connected

Field Description
Poll_IDs Gets information about any polls in the tweet, like voting options and results
Media_Keys Gets details about pictures, videos, or GIFs attached to the tweet
Author_User_ID Gets information about who wrote the tweet, like their profile details
Edit_History_Tweet_IDs Shows if and when the tweet was edited and what changed
Mentioned_Usernames Gets profile information about any @mentioned users
Place_ID Gets details about locations tagged in the tweet
Reply_To_User_ID Gets information about the person this tweet is replying to
Referenced_Tweet_ID Gets details about any tweets this one is quoting or retweeting
Referenced_Tweet_Author_ID Gets profile information about who wrote the original tweets being referenced


Information about pictures, videos, and other media

Field Description
Duration_in_Milliseconds How long a video or audio clip plays for (in milliseconds)
Height How tall the picture or video is in pixels
Media_Key A unique code that identifies this specific piece of media
Preview_Image_URL Web link to a smaller preview version of the picture
Media_Type What kind of media it is (photo, video, GIF, etc.)
Media_URL Web link to view the full media
Width How wide the picture or video is in pixels
Public_Metrics Numbers anyone can see (views, plays, etc.)
Non_Public_Metrics Private numbers only the tweet author can see
Organic_Metrics Numbers about natural engagement (non-promoted)
Promoted_Metrics Numbers about paid promotion performance
Alternative_Text Description of the media for accessibility
Media_Variants Different sizes/qualities available (like HD vs SD video)


Information about locations mentioned in tweets

Field Description
Contained_Within_Places Larger areas this place is part of (like a city within a state)
Country The full country name
Country_Code Short two-letter code for the country (like US for United States)
Full_Location_Name Complete name including city, state, country etc.
Geographic_Coordinates Exact location on a map (latitude and longitude)
Place_ID A unique code that identifies this specific location
Place_Name The main name of the place (like "Times Square")
Place_Type What kind of place it is (city, business, landmark etc.)


Information about polls in tweets

Field Description
Duration_Minutes How long the poll stays open for voting
End_DateTime The exact date and time when voting closes
Poll_ID A unique code that identifies this specific poll
Poll_Options The different choices people can vote for
Voting_Status Whether voting is still open or closed


Information about the tweets themselves

Field Description
Tweet_Attachments All media, links, or polls included in the tweet
Author_ID A unique code identifying who wrote the tweet
Context_Annotations Extra information about what the tweet is about
Conversation_ID Code linking all replies in a conversation
Creation_Time When the tweet was posted
Edit_Controls Whether the tweet can be edited and for how long
Tweet_Entities Special parts of the tweet like #hashtags, @mentions, and links
Geographic_Location Where the tweet was posted from
Tweet_ID A unique code for this specific tweet
Reply_To_User_ID Who this tweet is responding to
Language What language the tweet is written in
Public_Metrics Numbers like retweets, likes, and replies
Sensitive_Content_Flag Warning if tweet might contain sensitive content
Referenced_Tweets Other tweets this one is connected to
Reply_Settings Who is allowed to reply to the tweet
Tweet_Source What app or website was used to post
Tweet_Text The actual words in the tweet
Withheld_Content If the tweet is hidden in certain countries


Information about Twitter users

Field Description
Account_Creation_Date When they joined Twitter
User_Bio The "About me" text on their profile
User_Entities Links and @mentions in their profile
User_ID Their unique Twitter user code
User_Location Where they say they are located
Latest_Tweet_ID Code for their most recent tweet
Display_Name Their full profile name (not @username)
Pinned_Tweet_ID Code for the tweet stuck to top of their profile
Profile_Picture_URL Link to their profile picture
Is_Protected_Account Whether their tweets are private
Account_Statistics Number of followers, following, and tweets
Profile_URL Link to their profile webpage
Username Their @handle they use on Twitter
Is_Verified Whether they have a verification checkmark
Verification_Type What kind of verification they have
Content_Withholding_Info If their content is hidden in certain places

Extra notes

  • Use combinations of expansions and fields to build precise queries. For instance:
  • To fetch a Tweet with media details, include expansions=Media_Keys and relevant media_fields.
  • For user data in Tweets, add expansions=Author_User_ID and appropriate user_fields.

  • Data returned under includes helps cross-reference expanded data objects with their parent entities using IDs.