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Basic Operations Blocks

Store Value

What it is

A basic block that stores and forwards a value.

What it does

This block takes an input value and stores it, allowing it to be reused without changes.

How it works

It accepts an input value and optionally a data value. If a data value is provided, it is used as the output. Otherwise, the input value is used as the output.


Input Description
Input The value to be stored or forwarded
Data An optional constant value to be stored instead of the input


Output Description
Output The stored value (either the input or the data)

Possible use case

Storing a user's name at the beginning of a workflow to use it in multiple subsequent blocks without asking for it again.

What it is

A basic block that prints text to the console for debugging purposes.

What it does

This block takes a text input and prints it to the console, then outputs a status message.

How it works

It receives a text input, prints it to the console with a "Print: " prefix, and then yields a "printed" status.


Input Description
Text The text to be printed to the console


Output Description
Status A message indicating that the text was printed ("printed")

Possible use case

Debugging a workflow by printing intermediate results or messages at various stages.

Find in Dictionary

What it is

A basic block that looks up a value in a dictionary, object, or list using a given key.

What it does

This block searches for a specified key in the input data structure and returns the corresponding value if found.

How it works

It accepts an input (dictionary, object, or list) and a key. It then attempts to find the key in the input and return the corresponding value. If the key is not found, it returns the entire input as "missing".


Input Description
Input The dictionary, object, or list to search in
Key The key to look up in the input


Output Description
Output The value found for the given key
Missing The entire input if the key was not found

Possible use case

Extracting specific information from a complex data structure, such as finding a user's email address in a user profile dictionary.

Agent Input

What it is

An input block that provides a way to accept user input in a workflow.

What it does

This block allows users to input values into the workflow, with options for naming, describing, and setting placeholder values.

How it works

It accepts a value from the user, along with metadata such as name, description, and optional placeholder values. The block then outputs the provided value.


Input Description
Value The actual input value provided by the user
Name A name for the input field
Description An optional description of the input
Placeholder Values Optional list of suggested values
Limit to Placeholder Values Option to restrict input to placeholder values only


Output Description
Result The value provided as input

Possible use case

Collecting user preferences at the start of a personalized recommendation workflow.

Agent Output

What it is

An output block that records and formats the final results of a workflow.

What it does

This block takes a value and associated metadata, optionally formats it, and presents it as the output of the workflow.

How it works

It accepts an input value along with a name, description, and optional format string. If a format string is provided, it attempts to apply the formatting to the input value before outputting it.


Input Description
Value The value to be recorded as output
Name A name for the output
Description An optional description of the output
Format An optional format string to apply to the value


Output Description
Output The formatted (if applicable) output value

Possible use case

Presenting the final results of a data analysis workflow in a specific format.

Add to Dictionary

What it is

A basic block that adds a new key-value pair to a dictionary.

What it does

This block takes an existing dictionary (or creates a new one), a key, and a value, and adds the key-value pair to the dictionary.

How it works

It accepts an optional input dictionary, a key, and a value. If no dictionary is provided, it creates a new one. It then adds the key-value pair to the dictionary and returns the updated dictionary.


Input Description
Dictionary An optional existing dictionary to add to
Key The key for the new entry
Value The value for the new entry


Output Description
Updated Dictionary The dictionary with the new entry added
Error An error message if the operation fails

Possible use case

Building a user profile by gradually adding new information as it's collected throughout a workflow.

Add to List

What it is

A basic block that adds a new entry to a list.

What it does

This block takes an existing list (or creates a new one) and adds a new entry to it, optionally at a specified position.

How it works

It accepts an optional input list, an entry to add, and an optional position. If no list is provided, it creates a new one. It then adds the entry to the list at the specified position (or at the end if no position is given) and returns the updated list.


Input Description
List An optional existing list to add to
Entry The new item to add to the list
Position An optional position to insert the new entry


Output Description
Updated List The list with the new entry added
Error An error message if the operation fails

Possible use case

Maintaining a to-do list in a task management workflow, where new tasks can be added at specific priorities (positions).


What it is

A basic block that displays a sticky note with custom text.

What it does

This block takes a text input and displays it as a sticky note in the workflow interface.

How it works

It simply accepts a text input and passes it through as an output to be displayed as a note.


Input Description
Text The text to display in the sticky note


Output Description
Output The text to display in the sticky note

Possible use case

Adding explanatory notes or reminders within a complex workflow to help users understand different stages or provide additional context.